söndag 19 september 2010

پيام مينا احدى به مردم نيويورک، رئيس جمهور رژيم سنگسار را به نيويورک راه ندهيد!

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ


Mina Ahadi to people of New York

New York should not welcome president of

regime of stoning

Allow me to ask you, people of New York, who so bravely faced the atrocities of 9/11, to protest against the Ahmadinajed, the president of Islamic regime of stoning.

You are aware that Sakineh Mohamadi Ashtiani, 43 year old woman and mother of two, is in prison of the Islamic regime and like tens of others has been condemned to death by stoning. You also know that in the last 31 years the Islamic regime, has executed, tortured, lashed, stoned, pushed from the rooftops, cut of hands of thousands and thousands.

The leaders of this regime, including Ahmadinejad must be arrested and brought to justice for crime against humanity. Now that the president of regime of atrocity, rather than the court is appearing in New York, attention naturally turns to New York and the people of New York. Sakineh has now become the face of the protest of the people of Iran and of the world against the Islamic regime of Iran. People of New York can play a memorable and historical role in the international protest against stoning and support for people of Iran to liberate themselves from the evil of the Islamic regime.

On behalf of Sakineh and those waiting stoning, on behalf of sakineh’s children, who have even been denied simple visit to see their mother, and on behalf of Millions of people of Iran who are sick and tired of the Islamic regime, I ask you to protest on 23rd of September 2010 by hold up Sakineh’s picture and demand that she is freed immediately. Join the people of Iran and demand that the Islamic regime should be barred from all international institutions.

Executioners of people of Iran have no right to go to UN.

Mina ahadi

Spokesperson for International Committee Against Stoning

September 17, 2010

International Committee Against Stoning (http://stopstonningnow.com)

International Committee Against Execution (http://notonemoreexecution.org)

Mina Ahadi minaahadi@aol.comآدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسکریپت دارید 0049-177-569-2413

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